Hell of a Six Months

Our new app has been out for six months, and what a half year its been! We went from a junkie MVP in April to a lovely piece of app in May, but we didn’t stop there. We quickly launched with 2500 parking spots in San Francisco & Las Vegas then expanded to San Jose, Sacramento and San Diego. And that was all in May! We then spent the rest of the summer researching cities and building our inventory then decided to tackle Seattle and Portland next. From there we went to Boston then our home town of Chicago, our biggest challenge yet. Tip of the cap to our Chief Operations Ninja, Fred of hustling like crazy to get our Chicago spots off the ground. That made nine cities, but we hate odd numbers. So, per request of a Facebook fan, we rounded our count with 10 cities by adding Vancouver.  We need a little ninja nap!

We obviously didn’t think expanding from coast to coast was enough, so we went out and found a new development ninja to build our Android app, which is coming out very very soon. We get about two emails a week from bikers asking for an Android app, and trust us, we hear you!

Where are we? 5000 parking spots, 10 cities, Android developer and what else? Oh yes… we rocked two pitch events, were featured on a radio show and got nearly a dozen spots in motorcycle and tech articles like this one. We think we’ve accomplished a lot so far and are excited for what the next six months have in store.

Stay tuned ninjas!

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